We are currently undertaking research into the Loseby family of clockmakers of Leicester.
If you know of the location of any Turret clocks by E.T Loseby, Henry Loseby or Amos Loseby please contact us.
We already know about:-
- E.T Loseby – Leicester Town Hall – Actually as Smiths of Derby Clock although the dial says Loseby
- E.T Loseby – Coventry Godiva Clock
- Henry Loseby – St. Michael and all Angels, Illston on the Hill, Liecestershire
- Henry Loseby – St Andrews church, Countesthorpe, Leicestershire
This is an example of E.T. Loseby’s Turret clock work and is generally known as a bridge frame.

Do you know the Loseby turret clock that is / was in Leicester museum? It is what I call a bridge frame. It had the remains of Loesby’s isochronal spring loop corrector. It had a mercurial compensation pendulum that was just lent against the wall! On a subsequent visit the pendulum was gone.
You will know the book on Loseby.
Chris McKay
Chris, Thanks for this comment.
The bridge frames seem to be a good indicator of work by both ET and Henry Loseby.
I phoned the Leicester Museum earlier this year and they confirmed that they had 2 turret clocks by Loseby on display. I then made a trip up there to see them only to find they are no longer there. I met the curator and he told me they were in store and I could not see them although he was able to give me a picture of one of them. Very disappointed.
I also made a visit to the Coventry Godiva clock and was even more disappointed to find the mechanism almost devoid of all the parts. The mercury pendulum was gone along with the escapement and Loseby’s isochronal loop corrector. The strike mechanism is no longer used but replaced by a Smiths strike unit and the automaton was getting jammed.
I do have a copy of the Loseby book.